Badass Job Application to Binance

Husky in Time
5 min readSep 28, 2021

One of the very few job applications I will do the remainder of my life. Hehe nice, I think it is badass. This is not a joke, I did sent it via LinkedIn.

“Hello Binance team,

My name is George. I left the rat race five years ago, devoting myself to an epicurean lifestyle, nurturing my virtues, channeling my vices for the betterment of my ambitions, and overall enjoying the ongoing collapse of the western civilization; with a cup of espresso on my hand, composed of first-rate beans grounded on a Malkonigh EK80s grinder and prepared on a La Marzocco GS3 single group, bronze boiler Italian-made espresso machine.

I also work as a hobbyist with precious woods building artisanal handcrafted items. And, in my spare time, I also made a career of legal and financial consulting, including disruptive Financial Technologies.

During my past work at Lime, we had to battle the entire financial system, at all times and from all fronts. Banks do not like new competitors, CONDUSEF does want more work, and the CNVB does not like new players to take care of. Banks also have a specifically discriminatory policy against small SOFOMS and smaller FinTech new players.

But, after 2 years, we prevailed, and our virtue gave victory against the darkness surrounding us. Then came the Covid economic depression; but that is another matter, indeed.

Overall, you will not be able to open a crypto exchange under Mexican jurisdiction, period. The Bank of Mexico has made it clear that no alternatives to fiat or centralized financial systems are welcomed in the financial system. Whether you want to invest 5 million Euros or 500 million Euros, it will not matter. Me and your various local counsels could arrange meetings with senators, secretaries and sub secretaries, but in this case, no amount of investment into the country will go against the president’s line against tax evasion and money laundering. For them, cryptos are a strange bug and just another headache.

Ideally you should strive to get a FinTech license for a money transmitter, like Bitso did with Nvio Pagos. For reference, Bitso made heavy lobbying efforts for many years, helping greatly to the enactment FinTech law, but they had to move all crypto to Gibraltar in Mexico and Argentina.

Considering the amount of enemies that Binance has worldwide, and they are numerous and powerful indeed, I don’t think you have even 0.01% chance of opening a crypto exchange in Mexico. Even getting a money transmitter license will take 3 years or more, with heavy lobbying and with enemies here and at a global level. It will be rough.

And that is where I can help. If you need someone idealist, that thinks the world can be made a better place with honest effort, then hire someone aged 28 just out of a masters. If you want a battle hardened veteran that knows the world treats you according to your net worth, them I am here.

Mr. Don Draper of the Mad Men series said in episode 04 of the second season, called “Three Sundays”, that he had to deliver “a stillborn baby”, referring to providing a first rate pitch to a client that he knew for a fact already selected another agency due to politics. Well, I am almost as handsome as Don Draper, way smarter, just as manipulative and egocentric, capable, ambitions and much more cynical. But I am not alcoholic.

If your investors want you to at least try to get a proper FinTech exchange license, I will fight for it like a mad dog, knowing full ahead that the higher powers will never allow it to happen. The money transmitter license is also a long shot. There is only one, namely Nvio, and in that regard your chances are also slim.

Why would I subject myself to so much stress? Well for a lot of money each month, of course, that money being applied to Ethereum and stable coin stacking. I want to retire before I am 45 you know. And it is an area I know well, and I can take it, the frustration, the pain, the desperation. All that, will only make me stronger. In this case, not even a couple hundred million Euros liquid investment into the country will help, cryptos are taboo. And, if the amount invested is in the sub-10 million Euro range, then there will be trouble even opening any simple checking bank account. I know.

I am not technically a pessimist, just sociologically. Philosophically I am what is considered a realist, but knowledge of the world tends to remove the ideals of the youth. Dreams of a young age, become the regrets of maturity. I certainly lack the constitution for suicide, so far; thus I endure my programming up to the best of my abilities and in my preferred subject matters therefor.

Henceforth, if you want a young Chief Legal Officer that arrives to all meetings with a smile and expecting to “become the next Google” just look elsewhere. I am like those old union leaders, battle-hardened compliance officers and old guard senators that never smile. Why would they?

Oh and since Binance brags of not having a physical HQ, I would assume that 90% of work would be remote. This is material since I am planning to travel to Oaxaca for some weeks, and are also planning to travel to India and Sri Lanka next year.

Kind regards,


PD. I wrote my cover letter under the influence of my second Covid shot, and a double espresso. I am partly shaking and sweating a little.



Husky in Time

Great Alpha Husky is a neurotic anarchist, a writer and philosopher that has been foretelling and enjoying the collapse of western civilization for many years.